Saturday, August 7, 2021

Adventures with the Cute Little Condo

At 8 a.m. Friday--less than 24 hours after it went active on the market--Carla was texting me asking for "all the feedback" I'd received on the place. Would you believe, I hadn't really received any just yet? Carla didn't. 

Actually, not true, I was told an offer was coming in. But, until the offer was in my hands, I wasn't sharing that. Buyers change their minds. Often. 


I did receive an offer on the cute little condo. It wasn't exciting. The buyer wants the seller to pay for all sorts of things that I am surprised they are asking for in this market. But, whatever. Everything is negotiable. And if there is a multiple offer situation, this probably won't be happening. 

But you know what really won't be happening? Me presenting an offer with a loan prequalification letter that expired more than six weeks ago. Additionally, when I called the loan officer to find out if the buyer really was a rock star, the loan officer's voice mail says she has been on an "extended leave of absence" since July 1. 

I sent an e-mail to the agent telling him once he got me a non-expired prequal letter I'd be happy to present the contract. I didn't add, please see page 2, section 2.a., line 69 where this is addressed. 

That would have been showing off. 


The agent who has repeatedly called me asking "how high" their offer should be to win this condo is still calling. She says she is writing an offer. To her credit, she is asking great questions, including what "needs" to happen for her clients to win ("Do you think if the buyer throws in an all expenses paid trip to Disneyland it would help get her offer accepted?" Maybe.)? What I suggested was a clean offer and make sure if she is prequalified her loan officer isn't on an extended leave of absence.   

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