Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Nothing to Read Into Here

There are at least five folks in Marty's team of 13 who are actively seeking new employment and/or retirement. One of whom is Marty. This drama got old too long ago and all of us are frustrated over it. I keep threatening to start a support group for Marty's team's significant others. 

Personally, I've kind of gotten used to the idea that at some point word might come down that Marty has been hired with another company and we are uprooting. 

Or not. 

There are personal reasons a change is good for my family. 

There are personal reasons why this is unnerving.  

Every once in a while, I breathe a sigh of relief. This company said no. We are staying put for now. This round of job searching is over. Then, two weeks later, Marty puts on a tie and a collared shirt and zoom-interviews again. And the whole cycle starts over. 

Last month he had three interviews with two companies.  

This past week the big-boss of the company in Fort Myers where Marty accepted a job two years ago and then declined it, wrote him. Big-Boss said something like, "We have a position available and I thought of you. Would you consider applying for this job?" The job was a somewhat reasonable fit, so Marty applied. 

Of course nothing has happened thus far. That's usually par for the course. Marty tends to hear back from anywhere he applies for about a month after the job is posted. I'm trying not to read too much into anything except: 1) they hired him once before 2) the big-boss asked him to apply for this position. But, those are two facts. Another fact: they haven't called him back. 

As I have refused to get too sucked up into Marty's job search any more. I am not googling this and that. But frankly, I'd already done a boatload of research before. I know where the Costco, Trader Joe's, the closest baseball stadium and the Catholic churches are located. 

Marty did ask me to please look into the current housing market in Fort Myers this time. "There's a housing shortage." I said, without turning on my computer. 

"How do you know?" He asked. 

"Because there's a housing shortage everywhere." 

Plus, this position is in Florida and my brother just went through his own housing shortage drama there. My true feeling is we will find what we find--if and when we need to look for a house in the future. We will adapt to the market and make the best choices for the family if and when that becomes an issue. But, to make Marty happy, I looked on that bastion of accuracy, Zillow. There was nothing there that convinced me otherwise, but at least I could tell him I saw homes allegedly for sale. 

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