Friday, August 13, 2021


 I was thisclose to not peer reviewing for this month's Grievance Committee meeting. 


And then they threw in a new case and guess who's name came up as the peer reviewer? It was only 37 pages. 

Basically here's the gist: Keep track of your own sins, because when it is your turn, Saint Peter isn't going to ask about your neighbor's wrongdoings. 

Otherwise the case goes like this: Jimbo is an agent. He made a few mistakes in his past that have nothing whatsoever to do with real estate or real property. He currently has a listing and is selling a house. Bubba, who is also an agent, sent an e-mail to everyone in the subdivision where Jimbo's listing is located telling all the world Jimbo is a creep. Jimbo may or may not be a creep. But Bubba is a complete jerk. 

The committee's job is to decide if Bubba has committed a violation of the Code of Ethics by blasting possibly true (and entirely unrelated to real estate), but maybe not true, dirt to the general public about Jimbo.   

My head hurts. 

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