Sunday, August 15, 2021

Cute Little Condo Chronicles

Well, the honeymoon period is over with Doug and Carla. They no longer think I'm a wonderful person or a competent agent. Carla had lots of opinions about me she screeched into my ears Friday afternoon. They all boiled down to: "You need to stop breathing and go die somewhere." Or something along those lines. And she wasn't shy about sharing them. 

You see. Doug and Carla got an offer $30,000 over the price of their cute little condo. The offer came with this verbiage: if the condo didn't appraise, the buyer would pay up to $15,000 over the appraised value, up to their offer price. 

Do you see where this is going? Yep. It didn't appraise. The difference was $10,000. So, instead of getting $30,000 more than the offer price, the max they were getting now was $20,000 over the asking price. And Carla was pissed! How dare the appraiser not take into consideration all the blood, sweat and tears they poured into this darling place? Why didn't I make more of an effort to hunt down the appraiser (I don't even know the guy's name!), show up at his door and badger him until he raised the appraised value? Or at least--and Carla was very clear this was a perfectly reasonable option--I should die trying. 

And she went on from there. 

When she was done yelling at me, she had Doug call. He said, "Carla is emotionally invested in this and feel the appraiser is wrong." Ya think?! 

Truthfully, the buyer side thought the appraiser was wrong too. We all thought the appraiser would take into consideration all the upgrades and cuteness this place had going for it. In fact, the buyer backed out Friday night because they could not fathom this appraisal being the highest this condo complex has ever seen so far and being so much lower than their outrageous asking price. 

So, that leaves Carla and Doug with no money over the asking price. 

Update: Carla called me and apologized for being--her words--ornery. I wish more clients who chew me out for what I'm not responsible for would be so kind. 

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