Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Fighting Words

I am working with an agent who has had his property in escrow twice. I have asked him for the past couple of days for a specific piece of paper--one that the seller provides to buyers. However, he hasn't been forthcoming. I cannot write an offer unless I have this dang paper. My best guess is there is another buyer this agent represents and is waiting for his buyer so he can tell me "too late." But I have no proof.

The property my buyer is looking at isn't exactly in the best of neighborhoods. There are a few odd quirks that come along with this house, including, but not limited to, the homeless encampment right next door (not good for property values and it might be why the number of break-ins in the area are so high), the lack of maintenance in the subdivision and a plethora of other tid-bits that hurt my brain to think of. The actual interior is clean, taken care of and in my buyer's price range. In fact, I would be willing to bet there is a lot of interest in this place because it is kind of cute inside and priced well. However, my feelings will not be hurt in the slightest if my client moves on.

The agent has given me every excuse in the book as to why he can't be bothered to provide me this addendum. He told me he is "busy." He has been an agent for "ten years." He has "other clients." Whatever. He also has a filing cabinet with a three page seller-provided addendum in it that he needs to give me so I can write a contract.

When I asked super-nicely yesterday he suggested I could just write forge this addendum myself. I could. But everything stems back to me having a license and kids with grocery addictions. I guess he doesn't have kids with grocery addictions because I can't see any other reason why he would suggest such a ridiculous course of action.

We aren't even under contract yet and I am ready to pound my head into the wall with this guy. However, I had to break out the fighting words today, knowing this would make matters worse down the line. I said this morning: "Perhaps if you are too busy, your broker could provide me with a copy of this." Even though one should sparingly use the broker card, it is necessary. The agent doesn't want the phone call to his broker saying he is potentially committing a breach of ethics/etiquette/professionalism that could cause the broker to pay out a lot of money to a wronged party. And that is precisely the underlying message if I make that call.

Currently, this dude has told me I will have the addendum today. I am giving him until 3 p.m. and then making the call--one designated broker to another.

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