Monday, February 11, 2019

I Hear the Menu is Chicken and Tiramisu

One of the interesting aspects of becoming a designated broker is that, whether I want to be or not, I am involved in Arizona real estate politics. Up until today, I had managed to successfully swerve this particular byproduct of my decision to be a one man show. However, El Jefe caught up to me.

"Are you going to the broker luncheon?" he innocently asked when he called today. Of course, El Jefe doesn't ever randomly call. So, I knew something was up.

No, I wasn't planning on attending. But after El Jefe's take on the situation, I am now. Apparently there is a real estate-thingy going on and everyone who is anyone in one of the two affected real estate associations needs to have an opinion. The luncheon is to let the brokers have first-crack at the politics inside of it. There will also be other meetings for general agents to attend, but those meetings won't come with lunch.

From what I can tell this particular issue is mainly a power grab. I am not sure how I feel about the whole thing. Voting comes next month. So, between now and then I better form an opinion.

On a micro scale, this particular issue will not affect me too much. However, on a macro scale, yea, it can wreck a lot of havoc in Arizona real estate. So, it looks like I am attending this week's lunch.

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