Sunday, September 8, 2019

This Month's Grievances

We just had our Grievance Committee meeting. My broker-pal, Kaye thinks it is funny that I just totally geek out about the Realtor Code of Ethics and contract law. Well, who wouldn't? I may or may not have geeked out all the way to the meeting. Fortunately for both of us, Kaye was driving.

This month's cases were kind of lack luster. The 35-page case was submitted by a loan officer who was pissy that the buyers found a different loan officer. He blamed it on the selling agent--though he didn't really give us a reason why. He did manage to refer to everyone involved (in writing, no less) , as, "Morons." He provided a lot of paper (where he called people Morons). What it boiled down to was the dude couldn't do his job and it was the fault of everyone else. The Grievance Committee dismissed this case.

As a side note--and this just occurred to me--I actually think I met this guy once. If it is really the same guy, he was a pluperfect ass to me as well. But what are the odds there are two extraordinarily obnoxious loan officers with the name, Wendel Q. McGillicutty Jr. in the greater Phoenix metro area? Probably a different guy. Most likely. Maybe.

The other three cases were various levels of "he said, she said." Who is owed a commission because who did the work, kind of thing. None were memorable or had anything to exciting in them. Two of the cases went to the Grand Inquisitor Squad because they met the basic criteria to be advanced.

One of those remaining three cases had no proof of a transgression. We can't really do much with that. Pro tip: if you want to take the time to file an ethics complaint or an arbitration complaint, you might want to have at least one sentence of supporting document attached. Just filling out the form saying, "that agent owes me money," doesn't do it.

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