Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Builder Warranty

Friday morning, Mr. Dee called me. The garage door broke at the new house Thursday night. Now, when I say "garage door," I don't mean the 36" door leading from the garage into the house. Nope. I mean that big thing that needs to go up and down, giving the lucky recipient a place to park their car. However, when the garage door broke, there was no way to close the garage door at that point, which was kind of a problem--especially in the neighborhood where this house is located.

Anyway, for those of you playing along, you may remember I caused all sorts of trouble this past week to get the builder/seller to commit to a two-year warranty on the property. Who knew it would be needed so quickly?

As it turns out, the selling agent was super-cooperative (I wasn't sure what kind of reception I would get when I called her). She hunted down the CEO of the construction company. Someone on behalf of the seller was at the home within the hour. They fixed the issue immediately with a, "Yes Sir," to Mr. Dee, topping it off with a, "please let me know if you need anything else."  The garage door was fixed and Mr. and Mrs. Dee are happy once again.

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