Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Governor Ducey has decreed that real estate agents are considered essential businesses. And just like anything else with multiple facets, the social media trolls are having a field day with this one. There are those of us sitting on the bleachers, with buttered popcorn as we digest everyone's heated expert opinion of the current events.

The fact of the matter is, people need a place to live. Are there those who are putting off their home search until there are greener pastures? Of course! Are there those who are soon to be homeless no matter what is going on in the world? Yep. I spoke with my title officer today who tells me escrows have not slowed down. Yet. So, apparently those who have time to bash others on social media for a differing of opinion aren't working as much.

As for me. I have a hesitant seller. She has concerns about the market taking a dive (so put the house up for sale already!). She is reading lots of Internet posts about real estate and how the 2008 market was terrible. Plus, she is talking to survivors of the last housing crash who are giving her lots of advice. I took a hit on my commission for this one, so my advice on the state of the market isn't as valuable as if she were paying me something reasonable. Therefore, she isn't listening. That is my personal lesson: don't undervalue my service.

I have a buyer who has a house to sell first. They live in another state where real estate agents aren't considered essential and there is no point in putting a sign in his yard. So, he can't move just yet. Plus, he would be ecstatic if the housing prices plummeted here before we wrote an offer. So, he can wait. I think I will keep him away from my seller.

There's also a renter who needs a place to live in a month or two. And another buyer who may or may not use my services. And I have Dee--but she is for a different blog. Right now I have enough to keep me busy and off social media reading the troll comments from those who have nothing better to do.

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