Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Nephew

My brother and his family live 50 miles away. He and his wife had a late-in-life baby who is now six years old. However, my brother and his wife have jobs, mortgages and other obligations that require them to work.

After a month of me darn-near begging, my brother got a brilliant idea: how about letting Auntie come on over and hang out with her fabulous nephew. I couldn't agree more!

So, this week I got to hang out with Nephew. I suspect it will be a regular thing for a while.

I should preface the rest of this post with the following: On the second week of first grade, Nephew, in front of his entire class, praised his teacher for her proper use of the word "combustible." Apparently, there are those who don't use this word correctly. Who knew?

Tuesday I was regaled with a very long dissertation of how manual transmissions work.

We also spent--and I am not making this up--about 4 of the 6 hours I was with him aiming his catapult (that he built) at plastic dinosaurs. He carefully aimed, measured the distance and angle finding the most efficient ways to pop an orange ball on the T-Rex and friends. FOUR HOURS. It was a blast. By the way, part of that time was taking said catapult and dinos to my father's house so that he could painstakingly show his latest invention to his Pop Pop.

In addition, there was a bit of school work done. But who cares about coloring a piece of paper when there are transmissions and weaponry about! I have been trying to explain to my brother: the boy isn't going to fail first grade if he doesn't complete a ridiculous amount of busywork every day that the school is piling on. In fact, it seems Nephew is way beyond needing the busywork. And please, just let him play.

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