Monday, May 6, 2019

Monday's Adventures

Ari and I met on Saturday to do a final walk-through on his house. Hopefully loan documents will be showing up today or tomorrow. Hopefully.


Last Friday I texted Ari's loan officer the following micro-managed question: "Has the CD been acknowledged yet? Please don't think this text has anything to do with your competence. I am always like this."


Inga and Liam, to the surprise of nobody other than Inga and Liam, are still not ready to list their home. I just cancelled the photographer. Again.

Yesterday morning I got a text from her saying saying she didn't "have time" to plant flowers (I told her to buy pots with flowers in them) and clean the kitchen, so she needed me to prioritize. I told her to do both. I have seen her kitchen, it isn't big or messy, so I wasn't buying it. But then again, I am not sure anyone will be buying her house because it isn't on the market yet. Again.


Ask any agent, they will tell you the real trick to getting busy in real estate is to book a vacation. The more complex the trip, the more likely their phone will ring. My phone is ringing. It is a happy problem.

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