Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bad MLS Pictures, Swamp Edition

It is late at night and I can't sleep. Marty's interviews are going swimmingly. Will he find a job 3,000 miles away? I have no idea. But, in the event he does, I looked at a few homes for rent that might be a good fit. At the risk of offending home hunters everywhere, if you have seen one, you have seen them all. It is for that reason, I believe the agents who listed these properties didn't have much to work with.

This is the primary photo on this listing. Yep. The house comes with paint buckets. 

This gem includes a door. 

This house has an updated master bath. This isn't the master bath. 

Here is the master bath. We, at the Sunshine home, scratched our heads looking at the shower curtain rod that extends across the potty. I live with a teenage boy. The jokes were flying. 

This house comes with chemicals located right next to the gas hot water heater. Did I ever tell you about my first listing? The garage caught fire when the chemicals ignited the gas hot water heater. 

This house includes a potty. Squee! 

This home has walls! Double squee! 

And who wouldn't want to see the backside of a garage door as the primary photo? Wouldn't that just pique your curiosity to click on the listing? 

And finally, Polly asked what the rest of us were thinking.
Do the dudes in the picture come with the home? 

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