Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It's Probably Me

I am having a slight panic attack, which I recognize as completely irrational. Mrs. Hufflepuff, right after I asked her if we could reschedule our meeting for January, (because I needed some time to really discern what I was going to do next), invited me to her office's holiday party. Now I realize this was a nice, friendly, gesture. I understand there is no malice, unkindness or ulterior mean-girl motive, but dang! Is it me or is this a bit much? I would prefer to think it was a bit much, but it is probably me.

Image result for 1940s etiquette book images
The Guides for How to Survive the South
Though we could analyze my social anxiety issues, I will let you do that on your own time. What it told me was I am not ready to consider this company. I don't want family togetherness with people I don't know. The Halloween pictures on FB with her fellow agents (she's the boss!), was a bit unnerving. What if I don't celebrate Halloween (I guarantee I don't celebrate it her way) and what if I don't want to hang out with my fellow agents for a little kids' holiday? What if I just want to be friendly and pleasant and see these folks in the office? What's wrong with that level of relationships?

I understand Christmas and December parties are the norm. It was a sweet invite, but it seems like it is a bit too much. First a personality test and an employment agreement before I even meet with her. Then a FB invite--I don't want to be friends with her, I might want to work with her. If I like her can we THEN talk about the FB request? What's wrong with doing things in that order?

Am I just too much of a stick in the mud? Is my time in the South affecting my business decisions in the Southwest? I KNOW what to make of this situation in the South (holiday invite--if I had showed up at the interview and not postponed it--ok. The rest is an obvious blessherheart NO!). In some ways it is easier in the South. The rules are black and white of what to do and not to do. If one is unsure, look up an etiquette guide from 1945 and you will know.

The fact remains, if I am so flustered about meeting her sales agents in a social setting, I am not a good fit at this time for this place. I was willing to meet the other broker's agents in a social setting, but decided not to because the religion thing will never go away. But not Mrs. Hufflepuff. As pleasant as she is, I am thinking I just won't fit in with that level of togetherness.

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