Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Location, Location, Location

The Players: 

Polly--my daughter

Pringles--her beau, who has an unfortunate nickname

Bell--Pringles' mother

Are you with me? 

Now then, Bell called me. You see, there's a home for sale two doors down from hers and quite possibly, Pringles might want to buy it. Could I please find out the details? 

"Does Pringles want to buy a home?" I asked. Then I added, "If he wants to buy a home and wants to use me as an agent, have him call me." 

Now then, that did not sit well with Bell. "Well, I'm just doing the initial legwork," she hedged. That might be, but unless she is signing the purchase contract, Pringles' financial status and home purchase is truly none of her business. To be fair, Pringles is a cool guy and all, but I'm not sure he'd even want me all up in his business. And I'm not sure I even want to be up in his business. That may be more than I need to know at this point in the Polly-Pringles lifecycle.   

I did give Bell one more nugget that will probably get me shunned from being Pringles' agent: if he is house shopping, he needs to go alone until he finds the one he wants to buy. There are way too many people who have expectations and are willing to share their opinions about where he (or any buyer) should live. Let him pick out the property first. This isn't Pringles' specific advice, I give this to all buyers. 

And when buyers don't listen, they end up making strange life choices, like explaining to their significant other why they just bought a home two doors down from their mother.  

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